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University Charity Football Match 2003 February 2003 - April 2003

As an extra-curricular activity during my MSc, I project managed the organisation of our department's annual charity football match, and designed it's promotional website. This page contains the following sections:

Primary screenshots

The following is a screenshot of the homepage:

Charity Football homepage


This was a small website project I undertook to promote a charity football event I was project managing during my MSc studies. The design was intended to be catchy, but very easy to maintain. Given the speed at which the site was put together, I was very pleased with the end result, both from graphical and usability point of views.

It is worth noting that this was the last website I ever developed the 'old way', using tables for layout and with little knowledge of accessibility or 'good practice' issues. Looking back, it is interesting to see how easy it would have been to code the site using correct and accessible techniques, making the code much leaner - but these were techniques I was to learn just a couple of months later.

After the match, I spent my Easter holiday editing together short videos of the football match using iMovie, placed them on the website.

Links to website and other resources

  • website:
  • the university version can still be seen at: but the link above is the most up-to-date, as I no longer have editing privilages on the university servers.